Portfolio Tools

Portfolio Optimization

Apple IncEarliest date: 1980-12-12




Microsoft CorpEarliest date: 1986-03-12




NVIDIA CorpEarliest date: 1999-01-21




Coca-Cola Co-TheEarliest date: 1970-01-02




iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETFEarliest date: 2012-02-14




Table Options
Advanced Options


Optimized Portfolios

The portfolio optimization provides portfolio allocations that achieve specific investment objectives like maximizing the Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, or minimizing volatility. Each optimization strategy aims to find the most efficient allocation based on the chosen risk-return trade-off.

Cumulative Returns

Run the backtest to get the results

Asset Analysis

The asset analysis provides insights on individual assets within the investment portfolio, including, expected returns and volatility, correlations and covariance between assets.

Asset Metrics

Run the backtest to get the results

Asset Correlations

Run the backtest to get the results

Efficient Frontier

The Efficient Frontier is a set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk that deliver the best (or the lowest risk for a given return), based on the Mean-Variance Model developed by Harry Markowitz. These portfolios balance the trade-off between risk and return. Any portfolio on the Efficient Frontier is considered superior to those below it, as it provides better returns for the same level of risk.

Efficient Frontier

Run the backtest to get the results